Saturday, January 16, 2016

My Current TV/Netflix and Movie Picks

Though I now have a Kindle and suspect to do a lot more reading, I am an avid movie-goer and multi-tasker, spending a lot of weekend time especially during the winter doing work while binge watching TV series on Netflix.

My favorite Current TV/Netflix Series:
As far as American TV goes I have most recently enjoyed watching "Treehouse Masters" (one day Pete Nelson will make me a treehouse!), "The Big Bang Theory" (though find it is getting a little stale), "Scorpion" (yep, more nerds), my embarrassing guilty pleasure "Sister Wives" (nope, can't explain it, but I do find it fascinating), and "American Horror Story" (looking forward for the newest season set in a hotel to come out on Netflix so it can be binge-watched).

But my 3 favorite series, all of which I binge-watched recently on Netflix, are out of Australia or the UK. I have blogged about all 3 recently so won't go into detail, but in my opinion some of the best TV I have ever seen includes:

"Last Tango in Halifax" (all 3 seasons, though still mad they killed off a certain character, which I suspect will make one of my favorite characters sad for most of the next season)

"Broadchurch" (Seasons 1-2)

"Wentworth Prison" (Season 3; Seasons 1 and 2 were also good, but Season 3 was amazing)

On the Big Screen:
As a nerd and Star Wars/Trek fan from way back, I have already seen "Star Wars: The Force Awakens", but plan to see it again soon with a friend who hasn't yet. My younger cat Chewie is named after Chewbacca the wookie, after all!

The other day I went to Chinatown to see Kate Blanchett's new movie "Carol", only to discover I had managed to go to the wrong cinema and on the same night as a Capitals hockey game. The stadium is right next to the theater in Chinatown so I knew I had a long night ahead, even just to get home, so went ahead and chose another movie. The "Revenant" had received great reviews, so I gave it a try. The theater was completely full. The movie more violent than most I tend to see, the bear attack was not realistic for anyone who works around actual bears, and Leo's depiction of Hugh Glass made me want to apply chapstick for 2 hours, but the cinematography was stunning and DiCaprio will certainly win Best Actor for this film.

The next day I managed to see "Carol" at the E-Street Cinema, a wonderful little theater near Ford's Theater where every staff member I ran into thanked me for coming and seemed genuinely happy for my patronage. The movie was great, though hit a little too close to home and I think every person in the audience must have sighed audibly when they realized the movie had ended when it did so abruptly.

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