Saturday, January 9, 2016

Wentworth Prison - Season 3 on Netflix!

As any of you who may be regular readers of my blog or who know me well are aware, I tend to binge watch tv series as I discover them on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Recently on Netflix, I binge watched and loved BroadchurchBut this post is about my discovery last weekend that Season 3 of Wentworth Prison, a modern re-make of the classic Australian series Prisoner Cell Block H, is available on Neflix.

Season 3 is AMAZING. I read an article that summed up the show best when they said that Wentworth Prison makes Orange is the New Black (which I also enjoyed) seem like Happy Days. While I liked Seasons 1 and 2 of Wentworth, I watched Season 3 in two days and enjoyed it so much I ordered it from Amazon and figured out how to hack my DVD player to play Australian region DVDs.

My two favorite actors and characters from Wentworth, who make Season 3 the best yet:

Pamela Rabe as Governor Joan "The Freak" Ferguson

This character is one of the best developed villains I have seen in a television series - she was introduced in Season 2, but her psychopathic ways weren't completely developed until Season 3. That said, I cheered for the Governor along with other fans when she disposed of a certain obstacle in the season finale.

Libby Tanner as Prison psychologist Bridget Westfall

…or "Gidget" to Franky, who gets a happy ending, at least for Season 3

Some bloopers from Season 3:

The teaser for Season 4, now in production in Australia, can't wait!:

and a great site I recently found, all about Wentworth Season 3 with some previews for Season 4:

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