Friday, October 16, 2015

Orangutans in Kansas

The Orangutan SSP meeting was in Wichita, Kansas this year, hosted by the Sedgwick County Zoo. Since I participated remotely in the planning meetings last year and didn't attend the Husbandry Workshop, it was nice to see several familiar faces this year. But most familiar was our keynote speaker Lone, who I hadn't seen since I visited her at her rehab site in 2008 after having rescued one of our wild orangutans who had lost her mother to a clouded leopard. Since I saw her last, Lone was knighted in Denmark for her work in Indonesia and for good reason. Such a joy to catch up!

It was also great to see other friends who I only see each year at the SSP meetings.

This was welded by a friend and thanks to our silent auction. It hangs on a wall in my apartment next to a giant cardboard orangutan I won at the auction 4 years ago. 

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