Sunday, June 28, 2015

In the Neighborhood

I love my neighborhood. Nestled adjacent to Rock Creek Park it's heavily forested, only a few blocks from the White House, and incorporates the Zoo where I work, giving my cats everything from a variety of birds to gibbons and siamangs to hear from my bedroom window.

My neighborhood also features some quirky places. One is my new favorite geocache (for the uninitiated:, "Jurassic Pork" (for details, see Jurassic Pork). Last night I walked to the cache, visiting it again to drop off the latest travel bug I found in a northern VA cache. While there I also exchanged what geocachers refer to as "geoswag", in this case all little plastic dinosaurs.

Here is a photo of the geoswag I have acquired since starting this hobby, which has taken me to some pretty interesting places:

Another curious thing in my neighborhood is a guy who regularly posts these fascinating flyers at the bus stop closest to the Connecticut Ave entrance of the Zoo:


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