Sunday, June 28, 2015

DC is Made for Walking (but Apparently Not for Sleeping)

Here is a recent graph I made showing my Average Steps Per Day (with 10,000/day being the typical goal) based on data collected with my Jawbone UP May-early Sep'14 and May-Jun'15:

So it seems that living in DC has been quite good for exercise, simply by account of living and working where I do and walking literally everywhere. I typically only drive my car every few weekends if going back to the Northern VA suburbs to visit my parents in Falls Church or to visit my dentist, doctor, or vet. I am averaging between 9436-15,619 steps/day, 11,738 when the dataset is looked at as a whole. Next descriptive stat I want to look at is how many steps I average per day just during the work week, since that is when I get the majority of my steps in, walking up and down the Olmstead and DAH hills at work.

Sadly the sleep data - Average Hours of Sleep Per Night - collected May-Aug'14 and May-Jun'15 shows that I could use a lot more (typical goal is 7-9 hours/night, I'm averaging between 5.04-5.58 hours/night, 5.29 hrs/night when the dataset is looked at as a whole):

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