Saturday, May 30, 2015

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Today after training some new primate interpreter volunteers at the Zoo I visited what in my opinion is probably the best museum in Washington with another curator who is new to the area. I first visited the museum on its opening day and have returned many times since, typically with first-time visitors. The experience is profound every time and unlike at many museums, most visitors are extremely courteous and keep their voices down out of respect.

When I visit the museum and realize how many visitors seem to be learning about the history of it for the first time, I realize how lucky I was to have grown up in the DC area. Not only did we learn about the Holocaust in school, Elie Weisel (Jewish writer, professor, political activist and Holocaust survivor) once visited my high school English class. I urge anyone visiting DC to plan a trip to the Holocaust Museum, understanding that a thorough visit will take several hours.

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