Saturday, March 7, 2015

R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy

Netflix streaming finally has all original cast Star Trek motion pictures as well as the original series from the 60's that so many of us grew up watching. As I watch my favorite of the movies right now (probably for the 100th time), Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, I think of the true genius of Leonard Nimoy, who died last week of lung disease, though he had stopped smoking over 30 years ago.

And the movie was consistent with Nimoy's devotion to wildlife conservation, helping to raise awareness about the endangerment of the humpback whale, extinct in the 23rd Century, but with a song consistent of that being broadcast from a probe threatening to destroy Earth without the appropriate response. So the crew of the former U.S.S. Enterprise travels back in time to 1986 to return with two whales, saving the whales and Earth in the process. For as Nimoy's Spock notes, hunting humpback whales to their extinction is not logical: "Admiral, if we were to assume these whales were ours to do with as we pleased we would be as guilty as those who caused their extinction."

Nimoy directed and co-wrote Star Trek IV and so many great lines in this movie make me laugh every time I watch it. Among my favorites, for those of you who know what I am talking about:
"Everybody remember where we parked."
"Double dumb ass on you!"
"Excuse me, sir! Can you direct us to the naval base in Alameda? It's where they keep the nuclear wessels."

Leonard Nimoy, may you LLAP!

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