Monday, September 25, 2017

Didgeridoo Update!

My Australian eucalyptus didgeridoo arrived about a week ago from the Outback and I have even managed to figure out how to play it...I admit it took a bit longer to figure out than I thought it might having been a seasoned trumpet player, but the didgeridoo requires a whole other technique, though in some ways still similar and being a brass player definitely helped figure out the didgeridoo.


Here's the guy who made my didgeridoo playing another didgeridoo he made in a different key (mine is 47 inches in the key of D, this one is 39 inches in the key of F), but close enough - doesn't get more Australian than this:

After becoming a little obsessed with my didgeridoo, I discovered the didjeribone, which is made out of sliding pvc pipes and can be played in multiple keys. It's pretty great what can be done with the didjeribone; though its sound will never be quite as crisp as the indescribably amazing sound of the didgeridoo when played just right, it's still incredibly fun to play:

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