Friday, February 26, 2016

An Idiot Abroad

In the mood for some good British comedy? Doesn't get better than "An Idiot Abroad". I binge watched Seasons 2&3 last weekend on Netflix.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

3D Printing

I find the technology of 3D printing fascinating. 3D printers can now make body parts and are being used to correct gene mutations. And, it turns out, to make replicas of World of Warcraft characters. So, I joined the ranks of the super nerdy and had a 3D Figureprints replica made of one of my 4 characters, a druid troll named "Drpongo".

Below: my WoW character "Drpongo" as he appears in-game & Figureprints Drpongo replica:

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


As the curator of a different area, I often find myself wondering why more of the giant panda excitement doesn't spill over into other areas. Then again, I grew up in a suburb of DC and remember being part of the city's Pandamania. So the other day when I had a chance to spend a little quality time with Bei Bei before the visitors arrived, I immediately reverted to a younger version of myself.