Sunday, December 28, 2014

Happy 2015!

How is it possible that 2015 is a few days away?! This year the biggest change in my life was a new job, which brought me back home to Washington, DC around this time last year.

Here is a nice little video put together by the Zoo's Communications Department to commemorate our 125th anniversary125th Anniversary Video


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas in Washington

This was the first Christmas I have had back in DC for many years, since my parents always came to me during the holidays when I was living in the Philly suburbs. This year I was able to spend Christmas with my parents, just across the Potomac. Since I live in a small apartment, my holiday decorations are simple:

Monday, December 15, 2014

Unique Bathroom Reading Material

Whenever I visit my parents over the Potomac in Falls Church, VA, I am reminded of just how unique my parents are…here is the collection of books in a guest bathroom at my parents' house (my father works for EPA in the Office of Wastewater Management; not pictured, an "Outhouses of the World" calendar is hanging in the same bathroom):

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

ZooLights at NZP

I couldn't resist a photo op with Panda Claus when I passed by Panda and his FONZ escort on my walk home from work tonight. 

Starting Nov 28th, ZooLights has returned to the National Zoo - whether you are local to the D.C. area or are in town visiting, or work in some other area of the Smithsonian, you should check it out--there's nothing quite like it: ZooLights

ZooLights runs from Nov 28 through Jan 1 (all nights except Dec 24, 25, 31) from 5-9pm. Admission is free and includes over 500,000 environmentally-friendly LED lights, tubing down Lion/Tiger hill, and lots of other events. We are even keeping some of the animal buildings open each night for evening visitors.

Check out the ZooLights commercial: ZooLights commercial

Among my favorite of the ZooLights are the gibbons and naked mole rats: